It is about 9:30 at night at the moment and I am typing this entry on the bus with my cellphone. I am able to type faster than my dad, which is kinda sad. haha. I am no where near to the speed of the locals, especially the girls. They tap out messages like mad. Most of them do it with long fingers too, then again, the phones here are designed for that sort of thing.
Quite a bit of things happened since my last entry. A lot I cannot say here though. One of the most important lessons I've learned here is to keep my fucking mouth shut on certain things. What things? Well... things.
Anyway, this saturday I am going to a club with my boss and her severely underaged fiance's daughter to celebrate Canada Day. It is going to be one interesting night. Then the next day, I am heading to the beach with some lovely ladies. Anyway have to look for food now.